Daniel's profile picture



I bring ideas to life with web technologies.


Hello world! Full-stack web developer here with demonstrable phobia of spaghetti code.

I enjoy spending my mornings with challenging work on the backend, and afternoons with visually-pleasing frontend.

I don't drink coffee — I'm powered by passion.

I'm a digital nomad. In my downtime, I thrive on being outdoors — I especially like mountaineering, hiking, and climbing. I also do calisthenics and run regularly — recently ran my first trail marathon.

How I work

My work life is guided by efficiency, balance, and excellence.

I don't believe in a traditional 9–5, but I believe in working in a state of high productivity and in resting/exercising when need to recharge; in other words, getting things done efficiently whilst having a balanced life. I also strive for excellence, but not by default — considering the cost of excellence is important. Building a great product for half the price may be much better ROI spending the double on marginal improvements that make barely any difference to the end user.

My preferred tech stack is Next.js, Prisma, React, Chakra UI, and TypeScript.

Random facts

⛵️  Won the World Robotic Sailing Championship

👨‍💻  Graduated from Imperial College London with Distinction in Computing Science MSc while managing to complete the Kickstart London startup accelerator programme

🚴‍♂️  Did competitive cycling for most of my secondary school


Stuff I like

Get to know my favourite products, tools, and books.

Get in touch

Want to say hey? Got exciting project or opportunity? Want to chat about tech? Drop me a line at com.

You can also find me on Twitter and LinkedIn.

This website is built using Next.js, React, Chakra UI, DatoCMS, and it is hosted on Vercel.
The source code is available on my GitHub.
